Newspapers provide news, views and other information of public interest and often also carry advertising. Researching historical newspapers is a good source for possibly finding family and for understanding the context of day-to-day life during an ancestor’s lifetime.
Join in at 5:45 p.m. (ADT) on Wednesday, April 17, for a virtual event offered by the Caribbean Genealogy Library entitled: “Finding Family Using Newspapers.”
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 3120 5699
Passcode: 793861
About the Event:
“What can you find in newspapers that can aid you in finding your family? Lots! Newspapers can be a great resource for personal news, announcements and social items. Find out where newspapers are kept, tips for successful searches, online U.S. newspaper websites, and additional sources for newspapers online.”
Presentation Handout: Finding Family Using Newspapers
Supplemental Handout: USVI and Caribbean Newspapers
About the Presenter:
Dana Palmer has a love of family history and a background in teaching. She started teaching ‘beginning genealogy’ classes in 1996 before graduating from college and has been a genealogy instructor at Sinclair Community College since 2010.
She became a certified genealogist (CG®) in 2009 and a certified genealogical lecturer (CGL(SM)) in 2019. She has spoken at RootsTech (2020-2023), NGS (2018, 2020, 2021, 2023), FGS (2013, 2020) and at many other state and local conferences, seminars and events.
Palmer has published over 30 books for her genealogical society, clients and family. In addition to her own client business, she works for the General Society of Mayflower Descendants on their Silver Books team and reviews military repatriation cases for Eagle Investigative Services.
She has received numerous awards, including the 2016 OGS Key Player, OGS Outstanding Chapter Officer in 2012, the Tecumseh Book Award in 2010 and another in 2016 and the Salmon P. Chase Book Award in 2008 and 2022 for books she co-authored.
The Warren County Genealogical Society (WCGS) website she created in 2001 won best website five times of the six times she applied at the OGS annual conference (2007-2009, 2011-2012). While Palmer was president, her chapter won Best Chapter at the OGS conference five times of the six times she applied (2007-2009, and 2011-2012). She loves problem-solving and tracking down those elusive ancestors.