Privacy Policy

Home Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices for If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should first contact by email. 

1. IntroductionFocus VI is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This statement discloses Focus VI’s privacy policy and practices and is incorporated into, and subject to Focus VI’s Terms of Use. The purpose of this statement is to inform you as to:

  • What kinds of information Focus VI collects from users of the Web site and how such information is collected;
  • How the information is used by Focus VI;
  • Whether Focus VI discloses any user information to third parties;
  • How you can access, update or delete any information collected about you by Focus VI; and
  • The security procedures implemented by Focus VI to protect your personal information.

Focus VI may change this policy from time to time. If so, any such changes will be posted on this page, so that Focus VI may keep its users informed of its information collection practices. Accordingly, we recommend that you consult this page frequently so that you are aware of our latest policy.

How We Collect Information

We do not obtain any personally identifiable information about you unless you choose to reveal it. Examples of when you voluntarily submit such information include when you provide an email address on our “Contact Us” page, if volunteer demographic information in conjunction with sweepstakes or contests, send us email, respond to emails from us, post messages or upload content using our service. Thus, you are not required to disclose any personally identifiable information to us, although many parts of our site may not be available to you unless you do so. For example, you must provide your name and contact information to us in the event you choose to advertise and/or upload content using our service, in the event you sign up to transmit Internet radio programs, or in certain other situations. We may also receive personally identifiable information about you from other users or third parties who may communicate with us about you (such as in the case of complaints).

When feasible, we do automatically collect your IP address and collect and store web visitor statistics.

How We Use and Disclose Your Information

We use your information to do such things as operate our site, enhance and improve our service and sell and deliver advertising and merchandise. We also use this data to enhance your onsite experience-by displaying promotions, advertisements and content that we believe will be of interest to you.

We do not sell or share your personally identifiable information with third parties. So, for example, we do not sell your email address to anyone or any organization or sell your name and personal demographic information to mass marketers or others.  We may on occasion, email offers to you of special events, radio programming announcements or products and services.

In some cases we use your personally identifiable information to provide information to you, such as to send newsletters and email that you request or to personalize the site in accordance with your requests. We will provide you with directions in all emails and newsletters on how to be taken off our newsletter list.

Note that some online activities in which you choose to participate do necessarily lead to disclosure of your personally identifiable information to third parties, such as when you include your name and email address in messages posted to public areas on our site (such as chat areas and blogs). In these cases, your choice to disclose personally identifiable information is voluntary.

Cookies and Other Tracking Methods

Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your hard drive, not on our site. We use cookies on our site for a number of reasons. First, cookies can help us provide information that is targeted to your interests. Second, cookies allow us to better understand how users use our site, which in turn helps us focus our resources on features that are most popular with our users. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, but some parts of our site may not work properly in that case.

In addition to using cookies, in some circumstances we may track or collect information about your activities on our site by the numeric address assigned to the computer you are using (your IP address) or by the URLs that you come from.

Other Sites

The Focus VI Web site contains links and references to other Web sites and organizations, including Web sites owned or operated by Focus VI’s advertisers and sponsors. Please note that different rules may apply to the collection, use or disclosure of your information by third party service providers or vendors or any other sites you encounter on the Internet (even if these sites are branded with our branding or framed by our site). We encourage you to investigate and ask questions before disclosing information to third parties.

Limits on Our Abilities

Although your privacy is very important to us, due to the existing legal and technical environment, we cannot fully ensure that your private communications and other personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to third parties. For example, we may be forced to disclose information to the government or third parties under certain legal circumstances, or third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. Additionally, we may disclose information about you to law enforcement or other government officials as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate to investigate or resolve possible problems or inquiries.

Last Revised:  29-Dec-2013


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